Friday, July 20, 2012

So What's a Cinnamon Geek Anyways?

...good question. I promise we will get to that later in this post... kind of.

Let's start at the beginning first. My name is Nikki and about two years ago I started a blog to keep track of my personal mission to do One New Thing a Week. I loved writing the blog and my challenge really helped me grow as person. I got to the point where I didn't need this goal anymore and with the posts running almost a year behind, it became a little tedious to try to dig up photos and memories. I loved writing a blog but this blog had run it's course. It didn't seem relevant anymore.

Another thing that had changed was that through coming into my own, I learned a lot more about my interests and passions. I started figuring out the kinds of things that I really loved and wanted to focus more on those. I would find myself getting into debates on forums or wanting to discuss a subject on end.

Do you ever get that feeling where a topic is so interesting to you that you just want to absorb all the information there is on it? Have you ever read a book that sucked you in so much that you wanted to dive deeper into that world? Have you ever seen a movie, video game or TV show that you could talk about and find idiosyncrasies in for days? I'm sure the answer to all of these things is yes, and that's what being a geek is. I was having this feeling about a lot of my passions and really, I just wanted a place where I could give my opinions on the things I geek out over.

I decided that I was going to start a new blog and it would be a "Geek" themed site where I could share my opinions and reviews about my passions, but I needed to talk it out first. I brought up the idea to my friend Will. He'd been wanting to start a few blogs for some time but couldn't get his feet off the ground so I thought he might have some perspective. He loved the idea and said that was the kind of thing he'd been wanting to do.... so I asked if he wanted to join in. We texted my friend, Becca, and suddenly we had a team.... but what about a name?

I really wanted to go for something along the lines of GeekyRamblings, GeekyRants, etc but the Blogger options were all taken. That's when this conversation happened:

Nikki: We need to think of synonyms
Will: Cinnamons?
Nikki: No, synonyms!!
Will: Cinnamons....?
Nikki: wait a second... let's just use Cinnamon!
Will: That's... GENIUS!

We locked down Geek Cinnamon and Cinnamon Geek and then made a sober decision about which one we liked more.

But what is a Cinnamon Geek? Well, everyone really. The biggest misconception about Geeks is that they're people with no social lives who love video games, sci-fi, and wear big glasses. Some might but really, a geek is a person who is really interested in a particular topic. That's what we are: people really interested in particular topics. Yes, mostly we'll write about video games or super hero movies, but I really like food, wine and museums so I might write about those too. We'd love to pick up a sports geek who can go into the numbers of the game. Since we want this to be a team with many unique writers, the possibilities are limitless.

The other benefit of a team is that we may have overlapping interests but very different opinions so Will had the idea of doing podcasts with transcripts for those times when we want to have a debate on a topic. Geek culture, like anything else, is also not without it's controversial topics. The benefit of having a team of contributors is that we can tackle these from different angles and share varying opinions on something.

I am very excited to see where this goes! Hopefully some of you are coming from my last blog and hopefully some of you have gotten here through Will and Becca. Speaking of those two - they'll get a chance to introduce themselves next.

Welcome to Cinnamon Geek!

Note from the team: Seeing as this blog is meant to cover Geek culture, we thought it would be appropriate to give our condolences to those in Colorado that were affected by the Dark Knight Rises shooting. It is always sad when innocent people lose their lives and our hearts and prayers go out to them.


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